Join us for a discussion with Jody Cyr, one the best Oregon bowhunters Cam knows. Jody talks about Cam, Kevin and Jody’s “Ranch Bull” hunt, his strategies for elk hunting and more!

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00:00:00  The Ranch Bull

00:05:37  Where “The Ranch Bull” Name Came From

00:07:14  Cam, Jody & Kevin’s Hunt for the Ranch Bull

00:16:50  Boone and Crockett Elk

00:19:27  How Jody & Kevin Akers Met

00:21:37  The Difference Between Average & Elite Bowhunters

00:26:49  Show Sponsors

00:28:20  Hunting the Woods is Like a Puzzle

00:31:09  Where Jody’s Success in Elk Hunting Came From

00:34:37  Bowhunting Equipment

00:36:46  Frontal Shots on  Bulls

00:41:54  Elk Tags

00:43:15  Hunting Nevada, Remi Warren & Memorable Sunburns

00:46:30  Jody’s Most Memorable Hunt & Sharing Hunting with his Kids

00:50:24  Jody’s Strategy to Calling in Bulls & Preferred Calls

00:56:09  San Carlos, Lone Bulls, & Rugged Country

01:01:59  Oregon Warriors - Jody’s Coaching Job

01:10:44  Outro

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Black Rifle Coffee: Use code KEEPHAMMERING for 20% your first order

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