Three Days in the Life...from my Facebook posts & Comments
I decided to take three days to outline my life/training regiment in preparation for bow season. I've chronicled these past three days with words and a few grainy Blackberry photos. I get alot of guys wondering about my workout routine, diet, etc. I will get into that too here in subsequent posts. That being said, I can and will share with you here what I've learned over the years but know this, no one can do it or want it for you. You'll have to want it yourself and the sweat spilled will be your own. However, we can motivate each other. I go through peaks and valleys myself, everyone does...I believe that together we can raise the bar.
I am not a real cutting-edge guy so to be the best I can be I rely on the one thing that has made the biggest difference for me over the years...hard work. To cut to the chase...I lift weights, run for cardio on the road or in the hills (sometimes twice a day) and shoot my bow every day. I do this with a full time job and with a family. To get it all done, in a limited amount of time (24 hours goes quick), I include my family in what I do...I run with all of them, I lift with my kids, I shoot bows with my kids, etc.
For example, you'll see below on Sunday I ran with Truett in the morning, ran with Trace in the afternoon and lifted weights with Tanner in the evening. I shot my bow in between. On Monday A.M., I ran with Trace (I really enjoy this time with her), shot bows with both boys and lifted with Tanner at night. During the work week, to get it all in, I will run at lunch, sacrifice sleep to lift and shoot my bow every chance I get...essentially I have no other interests or hobbies...my family, bowhunting, or preparing for bow season, and work are all I focus on...this is enough. And these three days weren't a peak or a special occasion. Just another weekend. I do what I've described here each and every day. Today is May 30th, but I've been doing this for months now and will continue to run, lift and shoot every single day until September elk season....three more months. I love it. I feel like an NFL athlete working toward the Super Bowl. I have elk tags and love the mountains...and I can promise you, I will be ready to maximize.

For a little background, I started bowhunting 23 years ago....I realized soon after releasing that very first arrow, bowhunting was the missing piece I'd been looking for. i.e., I had passion. After a few seasons of bowhunting I also realized I was pretty good at it, relatively speaking. Granted, I wasn't killing world-class animals, but I was filling tags and gaining valuable experience which in my opinion is saying something...bowhunting is tough with a very steep learning curve! And, I was basically learning the bowhunting ropes on my own which added to the degree of difficulty. That first season I arrowed a bull elk (the first elk tag I could ever afford). Then the next year I killed a bull (5-point raghorn), buck (P&Y 3-point blacktail) and a black bear with my bow here on public land in Oregon. I had some momentum. Over the years, through trial and error mostly, I learned the human body will respond to whatever you ask it to do. If you don't ask much of it, you won't get much in return. I you push yourself, well, the sky's the limit. I believe that by and large we are capable of so much more than we know. Mentally, we check out long before our body will fail us. My goal since the early days has been to increase my mental and physical toughness in the hopes that it will help me in the bowhunting mountains.
When I look in the mirror, I see the same guy from 23 years ago. Same guy with the Bowhunter's Discount Warehouse bow, with passion, with a little skill, but mostly a bowhunter willing to work hard. If you fit this mold, as alot of guys and gals do, I can promise if you keep focused on your goals, you can achieve all your hunting dreams! It won't always be easy....but the life enhancing reward makes all the effort worth it.
Train Hard. Hunt Easy. Cam

A.M. -- @ The Bow Rack...Chris Phillips dials in the 3rd axis on my new Hogg Father with Spot Hogg's Hooter Shooter...this is key for shooting distance, especially in the mountains. Headed to the range...gonna stretch it out! How often do I shoot my bow? Well, if the sun comes up, my bow comes out...I shoot virtually every single day of the year. Sometimes it might be 1 or 2 arrows, but typically it is about 50.
Crazy Accurate....that's the best way to describe my bow today. Shooting in the rain with Joel Ulam and Tanner Hanes I pinned in my new Hogg Father adjustable at 20, 30, 40, 50, 60...and just was money, so I kept dialing er' down...shot spot on at 70, 80, 90, 100, where I've been practicing all week, then laid this group in there at 120. Felt good. I've never had a bow shoot so well. Note: my average kill distance over the past five years in the bowhunting woods is 28.5 yards. I only shoot long range to get "right" fundamentally. It works. On days like today, I feel like if I get an animal, broadside at 40 yards or under...I simply will not miss! Keep hammering fellas.
Taryn, also caught her first fish ever in between some of my shooting sessions today....a nice Rainbow. She yarded it in, pulled it up on the rocks, everything. Unfortunately (for it), it had swallowed the hook so we needed to take it home as it was going to die. She helped me clean the big Rainbow and was dead set on eating it. So when we got home Tracey fried it up on the grill for her and my little angel ate every bit. She loved it. Cam
Parsons Outdoors Long -- range practice will make those 40 yarders cake shots. I too had a great night shooting.
Derek St.Romain -- nice truck
Drake Shurley -- Aim Small.......Miss Small! Very Nice Cam, the Elk should be Fearful this year, where ever your Tags take ya!
Brandon Barchenger -- That's BADA$$
Jay Cawley -- I shoot at 60 all the time. So those close shots are good. I love my Hoyt... I have never shot 100 yards but would like to.....
Dee Simmons -- Nice truck and nice form!
Tom Muller -- I am glad to see you fishing with your kids!!If you fish and hunt with your kids the will be your friends for life.
Jason Crusch -- You shooting a slider for huntin now?
Linda Brown Spike -- Awesome fish, beautiful girl, Taryn!
Keith Graham -- I just bought a matrix,wicked nice bow
Travis Stinson -- I like all the toys!
Bill Noble -- I should head down there and have them set the third axis on the Hogg-it hunter I put on my bow this past winter.

Midday --Best today at 100 yards...that dog will hunt.
Jason Harms -- That's a group at a hundy? Unreal
Erik Akers -- Yes sir!
Robert Clarkson -- Awesome!
Billy Smith Really -- GREAT SHOOTING Cameron. What kind of Hoyt bow do you shoot. I've been shooting a Mathews for yrs but I shot the Hoyt carbon matrix and fell in love with it. thinking about switching to Hoyt from Mathews. Would love sum info !! ·
Paul McMullen -- That's nice! Doing that will make a 50yd shot seem like a chip shot! ·
Ryan Hoffstot -- When you shoot 100 do you have a pin or do you just stack pins? ·
Rob Schoeneman -- She's a shooter!! Nice!
Matt Schmitz -- That's a moveable sight. Looks like the hogfather. He can put his pin on 100 or any other distance too
Shawn DeShazo -- Wow!
Chris Wambeke -- Can you tell a difference with the tommy hogg extended with the hog father vs mounted next to the bow?
Marshall Righter -- Primus dogs will hunt. Great jam
Cameron Hanes -- Billy, last few days I have been shooting my Hoyt Carbon Matrix Plus....it is an awesome bow. I shoot at 80# and it propels my 420 grain Easton FMJ at 300 FPS hitting with 85 foot pounds of Kinetic Energy with the accuracy you see here (not every ...time...that is up to me). The bow is much more accurate than I am. Thanks in part to having it super tuned at the Bow Rack by Wayne and the guys. If you want your bow super tuned, which includes paper tuning, checking cam timing, 3rd axis sight leveling, etc., give Wayne a call at 541-746-9711. Ryan, I am using the adjustable Hogg Father with one .10 pin. Dialed right in to 100 yards. Good call Matt. Chris, I am not sure if I can tell a difference but I believe there is a difference...that is all that matters. Also, the further out the sight is, the more precise you will be, providing you can hold steady. I am shooting pretty good with it extended all the way out. Last few years I have had my Hogg-It extended out all the way -- furthest is goes is 6" from the riser. The Hogg Father goes 8.5". Thanks for the comments guys.
Ryan Hoffstot -- Wow. Do you hunt with that sight out that far as well? Good hunting.. ·
Pedro Ampuero CazandoconArco -- Have the same sight Cam, the best in the market for sure. Always a bit afraid of putting the arrow through the sight with broadheads if I lower it too much. Good hunting to all!

P.M. -- Last piece to the puzzle...get in the gym! Run, lift, shoot...everyday! I am punching out now...time to chill with the family for some UFC. I got Mir, Hammil and Thiago tonight in the fights.
Jeffrey R Lobitz -- Cam checkout www.gregplitt.com, he's dialed in! I'm sure u will find some things to add to workout /diet routine, hes a UA brotha as well! Hope all is well
Daniel Watts-Messick -- Walking two miles with fifty pound backpack every other day.
Cameron Hanes Holy crap Jeff, yeah Greg is a beast. He's got a great website. Thanks for sharing. Hope you are doing good buddy. Cam
Cameron Hanes That's a good workout Daniel....that will make a difference come September.
Daniel Watts-Messick -- It's only the start, Cam. Later this summer ill up the distance and mix in some biking. All this on top of regular long distance practice with the Alphamax. Always got to think; what would Cam do? Haha. Keep the Passion alive.

A.M. -- Me and Truett on a quick, get our metabolism going, 7 miler.
David Allen -- like 7 miles all at one time, in one run??????? Dude??????
Cameron Hanes David...yes sir. Great day for a run. In fact, any day you can run is a good day;-)! Had so much fun me and Trace are headed out to run the mountain now. Hope you are well.
Tucker Raifsnider -- Mr. Hanes it is refreshing to see you facebook everyday. I wondered sometimes if you were alive. I'm glad your book is being sold again too. Wonderful.
Brian Uthmann -- And don't forget a great day to shoot, as well as a run! Draw any good tags this year?
Midday -- Me and Trace on the hill...she is supposed to be running. Says it hurts too much. Come on man! We are trying to beat the rain. To train to hunt the mountains...run hills!
Cameron Hanes Thanks guys....any day you can run is a good day
P.M. -- Got the run and now the shooting in the books for today...headed to the gym with Tanner. It's been a great day. Remember, whether your shooting 20 yards or 100 you still have to go through the same process to be accurate...pick a spot, squeeze, follow through. You don't have to always shoot distance...even though I always want to. It's more about repetition. Shoot that bow fellas. Holla.
Collin Cottrell -- What are you benching these days Cam?
Cameron Hanes Don't know about max bud...it is a chest / tri night tonight and I just did 225 10 reps first set. Felt good. But it all feels good...love working hard...towards a goal like arrowing a big bull. That's my focus everyday.
Collin Cottrell -- Awesome! Keep all the posts coming. I know we all love it.
Mike Willey -- Do you have a website or anything has your workout plan in it?
Travis T-Bone Turner -- good points Cam , I would like to ad to practice smart , don't just fling a bunch of arrows . pouring your heart into 1 well thought out shots is much better than just flinging 80 arrows a day. " Practice doesn't make perfect , PERFECT practice makes Perfect. dude i am so ready to make some critters bleed.
Cameron Hanes
Great addition T-Bone....exactly right. I know back in day I would be hitting in different spots the longer I shot. That is, when I first started my shooting session I would be hitting one spot and by the end of the session I'd be hitting usually left or right...I think I would anchor different, pulling the kisser harder into my face, etc the longer I shot. Now, I focus on shooting perfect every time like you suggest. I actually shoot fewer arrows per day but I am more accurate. I test my theory by shooting my first arrow of the session at 80+ yards...this let's me know right off if I am doing things right. And as we know...we don't get any "warm-ups" in the mountains. Man buddy, thanks again for chiming in...I really appreciate your shooting tips. I could learn a lot from you...would love to get together and do some bow shooting one of these days. cam
Dan Evans -- I like what you brought out about the first shot Cameron, I think many times it is easy to forget that "first arrow accuracy" is what counts! These last few months before the huntin starts I like to use that first arrow of each practice session (with broadhead) to verify my sight settings and build killing confidence. Good Luck this year!

Memorial Day
A.M. -- Metabolism boost 6 miler with Trace...God is good. We have a lot to be thankful for on this Memorial Day morning....thanks to all who've served.
Erik Akers -- Saw a pic you posted of y'all running earlier so I couldn't be outdone lol so I headed out for a run. Now headed swimming with my sweetheart. Keep posting this stuff man it kicks my competitive nature in & makes me work harder! Thanks bro!
Daniel Watts-Messick -- Getting ready to shrug my pack on and grab the pup's leash. Keep it up!
Drake Shurley -- Cam you would of fit right in with the Ranger Battalion, as much as you love to Run! LOL! Keep gettin' it my Friend!
Cameron Hanes Thanks for the comments guys...I believe we can all inspire each other. It is you guys checking in here that keep me giving all I have every day. Together we can raise the bar. Train Hard. Hunt Easy.

Midday -- Me and Tanner...putting our Hoyts to work.

P.M. -- Win the Day! Another day of run, lift and shoot in the books. Thanks for the inspiration guys. We are that much closer to September where by winning each day we will own the mountain and arrow the bull of our dreams. Train hard. Hunt easy.
Tucker Raifsnider -- Cam, it certainly looks like you put on some muscle. Have you noticed a difference in your running with the extra weight?
Andrew -- "Hey Cam, Need to know, do those wrist bands really Work? Power Balance right?"

Cameron R. Hanes
email -- cam@cameronhanes.com

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