The Bow Rack Blows Up 2009

The Bow Rack
Springfield, Oregon
July 11th 2009


Six-hundred-and-thirteen guys, gals and kids, bought tickets and all showed up at our local archery pro-shop The Bow Rack for one reason....Bowhunting!!!!

"I just wanted to say the Bowhunting Extravaganza at The Bow Rack was a fun evening and was a real delight watching the young boys eyes when he went walking by after you gave him your old bow Cameron. Not only is that something that the young man will remember for the rest of his life, it will also have a positive ripple effect in the bowhunting community for a long time to come." Dale

What a memorable and amazing Saturday night. Last year, when some 550 attendees came through the door, personally, I thought it was a number that might never be topped. Who could have blamed me as rumor had it, that 550 number made the 2008 gig the biggest archery get together ever on the West Coast. But, I guess I should have listened to Wayne & Lisa Endicott, owners of The Bow Rack. Wayne never had a doubt we would set a new standard. And, he had an ace-in-the-hole...legendary Alaska bowhunter Roy Roy.

Most know the history of Big Roy, especially if you are frequent visitor to Me, Wayne and Roy all grew up bowhunting here in Oregon together many years ago. Our love for bowhunting brought us together and even though Roy moved to Alaska 15 years ago, bowhunting has kept us close after all these years. Everyone has heard some of Roy's insane, edge-of-your-seat adventure stories from the north country, as I have done my best to share his bowhunting accomplishments in EBJ, on my website and even have had him join me on a few hunts for TV. But, Roy has never had the venue to share his experiences with a large group along with accompanying video to entertain. Wayne gave him that opportunity banking that masses of people would show up to hear what Big Roy had to say. He was right! The one thing I noticed about Roy last night as he and I sat on stage, bantering back and forth about our passion for the bow and arrow, was how relaxed and funny he was and how his friendly, every-man, demeanor came shining through. He is a special dude.

Top Five Roy Stories From Last Night (voted on by the Hanes family)
1. When Roy climbed in the brown bear den to see how big it was inside and there was a big boar in there that swiped at his head.
2. The video of Justin Roth, Roy's youngest, killing his first bear at age 4. Note -- he is 11 now and has killed 10 black bear and 1 Kodiak brown bear.
3. When Roy pushed me in front of the bear so he could run, as we were on a blood trail in the thick brush of Prince of Wales Island.
4. When me and Roy, early on in our bowhunting careers, battled each other to be the first one to get a shot at a big bull elk standing 40 yards away. Because of the pushing and shoving, neither one of got a shot.
5. After being stranded on Kodiak Island with Dwight Schuh for over two weeks because of harsh weather, the bush pilot flew by and from the plane dropped them some food. They were hoping for candy bars or pizza instead...the pilot dropped spinach and yams. Seriously.

What were your top Roy stories?

Before Roy spoke, I shared some of my experiences from 2008. It is always a great honor to talk to my hometown bowhunting brothers. I remember fondly going to The Bow Rack when I was new bowhunter over 20 years ago now and can say without a doubt "my pro-shop" has played a big role in my life. We are real lucky to have a shop here in town run by a guy like Wayne. Roy and I shared a common theme during our!!! Spending time in the mountains or in the treestand with our kids, watching them grow and experience the highs and lows of hunting, means more to us than any personal accomplishments.

In addition to me and Roy, Wayne had some great vendors represented, from RMEF, Under Armour, Primos to Berry Game Calls. Also, some of the biggest manufactures in archery supported the event by donating bows (Mathews, Hoyt, PSE), tree stands (Ameristep), broadheads (G5), rests (Trophy Taker), clothing (Under Armour), scent control products and packs, etc. to give away to attendees in a raffle. There was a pile of stuff to give away....over $8,000 worth!!!!

Also, I took advantage of the gathering to again give away one of my favorite Hoyt bows to an up and coming young bowhunter. Passing on my love for the sport is my #1 goal and if I have to do it one bowhunter at a time, so be it. I'll never forget the feeling I get when handing a bow I've used to achieve my own bowhunting dreams to a youngster chomping at the bit to chase their own. Last year I gave my Hoyt to Ben Mihulka and in return he gave the mountains all he had trying to arrow his first trophy. He was at the show last night, still as enthusiastic as ever, telling me stories of his ever-so-close encounters. Honestly, the new found passion he has for the sport is what keeps me motivated to give the very best I have every single day of the year. Thanks to Ben and all of you who eat, live, breathe and sleep bowhunting too, like he now does. And to the young fella I gave a bow to last night....keep me posted on your bowhunting journey. I would trade any success I'll have this season (if I am lucky enough to have any) for you to unravel a blood trail ending at your first bow kill.

And, to everyone who showed up last night....thank you. I know I can speak for Wayne, Lisa, Roy and The Bow Rack staff (Chris, Chris and Brad)....we will never take your support for granted!!!! Let's blow the doors off 613 next year.

Great job on the photos Tanner!!!

Sincerely, Cam

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