S.O.B. A Real S.O.B. -- Disappointment in the Siskiyou Mountains

Race Results Posted Here. RACE RESULTS
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Thorn of Girl

Great information and facts is usually observed on this website web site.

sam mansi

That was a great video man! Your son Tanner had me cracking up with his video taping in the hotel room….I enjoyed the candid shots.
Still a good job on the run! Thanks for the constant positive reminders and influences. My opening day for archery is only 9 short days away. I can honestly say that i am more prepared mentally & physically for this upcoming hunt than i have ever been. Your motivation is huge. i have no doubts about this season and will be giving it my all until success is mine! Keep it up

Chris Schmich

You did a great job racing. Dont worrie about how it came out. That is why we set our goals so high. If we fall alittle short then we are still achiving more then we would ever have if we didn’t set our goals. But when we achieve those great goals then we are standing on top of the world.

Keep up the good work, you inspire us all to do more.



The sweet taste of success would not be as sweet without the bitter flavor of defeat every once in a while. That is what drives us to succeed! Great job on the run and don’t beat yourself up too much. Take care of that temple and remember, rest is just as important as the workout! Take care Cam!
Aaron (Bravo)
Queen Creek, AZ

Aaron Davis

Hey Cameron,
Thats a tough day for sure but you did finish. Good for you.

Daniel Taylor


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