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Medix College Reviews

The Absent Game

Between me and my husband we’ve owned more MP3 players over time than I can count, together with Sansas, iRivers, iPods (basic & touch), the Ibiza Rhapsody, etc. But, the last few a long time I’ve settled down to one line of players.

carmen electrica

Hey Cam awsome buck. I was just reading the regs at home and discovered we now have a january columbian blacktail season open for archery on the west coast of B.C where I live. Your photos are totally getting me pumped. I think were going to go for a Cameron Hanes bonzai hunt. Just wondering if you recieved my recent stone sheep hunting story also? Hopefully you can send me an email sometime. Thanks again for leading the way for real bowhunters.

Adam Moleski

Cam – hope your family had a great Christmas, and here’s to continued and greater sucess in 2008. Keep up the great work!

Gary Makovec

All right Cameron, now your just rubbing it in. Not only are you a hunting machine, but you have a wife who lets you get out of the house way too much. Your one lucky guy. Are you still going to put together a video of how to bone out a deer? I would buy it just for that. Thanks for all you do to pass on your knowledge.


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