Beast Mode Bowhunting

Beast Mode Bowhunting
Does Kobe Bryant really need to shoot 1,000 jumpers a day?
Does Manny Pacquiao really need to run 10 miles every morning, do 2,000 sit-ups a day and train like a man possessed for eight weeks straight?
Does Georges St-Pierre really need to do pull-ups with a 120-pound dumbbell attached to his waist and carry only 5% body fat?
Does anyone really need to Run. Lift. Shoot. every single day getting ready for bowhunting the mountains?
Well, no is the answer to all of these questions, but imagine….what if you did? In regard to the last question, I am going to find out this elk season what will happen if someone did in fact, Run. Lift. Shoot. every day for months on end.

Beast Mode Training -- Rocking my UA Calibers for an intense evening of training. I am tired tonight, real tired. It’s been a long week(s). I’ve done 6 appearances in the last three weeks in different states all sandwiched around my 9-5. Tonight my wife, Tracey, asked me if I couldn’t just take off one night of lifting? You know the answer to that.

After work I chugged out the course I normally run 3x a day, however this time I loaded myself down with 50 lbs. The 1,000 feet of elevation gain in 3.24 miles took me one hour five minutes and was a quad buster. My Garmin said I only got my heart beats per minute up to 127 (peak)...not bad. Pretty efficient, which is good and is my goal. Truett went with to help me with photos. Thanks little man. From there I came home and shot 70 arrows, took my potpourri of supplements that allow me to do all I do to the best of my ability. Thanks Complete Nutrition. Then after chilling out at the house for a while with Taryn (not long enough…love her) and ate dinner (thanks Trace...awesome like usual), I headed down to the gym with Tanner for some shoulders and back.

I swung by the gas station to get my Xyience then to the gym. I did pull ups, machine rows, lat pulls, upright rows, barbell military and some cleans. Long day, but I am only 11 days out from my date with destiny in Utah….big bulls and bucks. Beast Mode!!!! Cam

Performance Support
Complete Nutrition – Jason Harms
Xyience –
Under Armour –
Garmin Forerunner 305 – thanks Robb Franklin for helping me get it set up…love putting numbers on performance
Survival Strap --
Power Balance –
Team Elk –
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Awesome cam you are right! No one cam do it for. A doctor can’t take a paralyzed patient and tell him to walk, no one can tell someone to get up and run. It all comes from within! Thank you for the motivation! Last thing what part of Utah will you be hunting this season?
God bless
Sam Powers


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