Well, I won't even try to describe this one with words...thank God I have it all captured on video in addition to these photos and hundreds more! It was an amazing trip and we were surround by fantastic people at "Hunt the Sun". Check the place out if you have time....

...maybe you can join me there next year? I think we might buck up and take that hellacious 20 hour plane ride on again as that pain is definitely out weighed by the pleasure.

To quickly recap --- I ran the 35 mile Two Oceans Ultramarathon in Cape Town, South Africa Easter Weekend (beautiful), we hunted our butts off for 8 days afterwards during which time Tanner and Truett made me more proud than I have ever been with their toughness and lethalness. I also learned that Taryn is ready to hunt, Trace loved Africa and to top it off I arrowed some awesome trophies. There are many places a guy can hunt in Africa but I would venture to guess that you'll look long and hard and likely will never find better people than Hunt the Sun's Mike Birch and his wife Natalie. That is what sets this hunt apart.

I will keep it short and sweet...not enough time in the day to give this adventure justice...for now! Stay tuned.

I have to add, for me it doesn't get any better than sharing such and amazing experience with my entire family. Most my hunting is done in the mountains so my family just hears the stories and sees a few photos upon my return. This time they were right there with me each night around the campfire, hearing of the day's memorable events as fire's warm glow lit our faces. Thank you for all the support Tracey...travel with the entire family can be interesting at times. On the flip side, I will never forget at the tail end of the hunt when Truett looked at me and said, "Dad, I wish this hunt would never end." Isn't that what all Dad's want? Their kids to love and be drawn to what we love?

What a trip. And, seriously, I am looking at heading over to run Two Oceans again next year then hunting for a week to 10-days afterward. Besides, what else is there to hunt this time of year...turkeys? Come on man. So, come next April I'd love to share the camp with a few other serious bowhunters. Most my USA bowhunts are tough, backcountry endeavors and the idea of a big hunting camp doesn't and likely never will appeal to me. This hunt is different. While it was still a great challenge the chance to share Africa with others is perfect with Hunt the Sun. Email me with any questions....cam@cameronhanes.com.

Cameron R. Hanes

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